July 1, 2011


Hi Comrades,

I just realized I never updated this blogspot account to the new party: www.morepaul.com has moved! To a Jekyll-powered site!

It looks... homely. But if you're looking at this, you're missing all of 3-4 posts I've written since January.


January 6, 2011

I'll be blogging again soon...

I just got back to work after a lovely, lovely break, and will get back to blogging Real Things soon. In the meantime, recording of a milestone:

I had what I like to think of my "first" "release" of ScrabbleCheat. In a match of Scrabble without it, Madly Brilliant beat me by 97 points. I used it successfully for the first time (with her knowledge and permission) and beat her the following game by about 83 points. There's still tons of work to be done, but its core is there, certainly.

I learned a ton from writing it, and hope to create a few animations/blog posts about it in the near future. This flowchart to writing Good Code, by xkcd, is relevant, mostly in relation to the quality differential between the hacktacular client code and less hackey server code.